Women all over the world are swooning over Bridgerton’s Duke of Hastings. I can’t scroll my social media one day without seeing some fantasy post from female fans. It’s amazing. Though he is just a character in the drama, the actor who plays him, is now magnetic. Rege Jean had played many roles before, but this story, the Bridgerton story showcased him in a different light and ignited a fire across the globe in the hearts of women.

That is the power of stories. A great story can make a product/service or person connect in a whole different way with their audience.

They give us something to dream about, to aspire to and awaken our senses. They seduce us. So how can you seduce your market with more powerful storytelling?

As a coach or consultant, you have to make the shift to see your entire brand as the story.

It can feel challenging deciding what stories to share when you are selling something intangible but that is where you get to be creative.

Stories can give an intangible service a more tangible nature.

It can make any service or product more interesting so don’t think you can’t get creative if you’re selling something unsexy like say legal services or accounting.

As a coach or consultant seeing your entire brand as the story means that your brand becomes an entire eco-system working together cohesively to establish a clear and compelling connection with the market.

This means, that all the details including:

– How you position your brand

– To the products and services you sell

If we look at a brand like Gucci, everything supports their storytelling style:

Glamorous, nerd meets Vintage style. The designs, a positioning at the centre of music and pop culture, to the type of imagery and copy they use in their advertising and content.

So how can you do the same as a service-based entrepreneur?


Step #1 – Clarify your positioning in the market: Is it Mass market, Masstige or Prestige?


Step #2- Align your stories, content, and marketing to these three pillars:

Your brand identity (defining your brand culture and storytelling personality). You can get more information on that in my Free Masterclass Series: 8 Tips to Building a Successful Brand Online).

Align with your ideal client’s values and desires.

Align with the destination and experience you are offering to share with them.

Powerful stories capture the imagination of your audience.

They tap into their secret fears and desires.

They inspire and motivate them.

The key is to ensure that every aspect of your brand does this from the services/products to the imagery and messages.

Everything must work as one. And remember to keep it simple and seductive.

If you would like to learn more about how I can help you use written and visual stories uplevel your brand and attract more ideal clients, click the link to schedule a call with me https://hannafitz.com/free-session-application-form/