When I set out on this two month trip to Europe, I created some clear intentions:

  • Complete my new book (which I am so excited to share with you soon. I am now at 60% completed)
  • Improve my fluency in French (I work with a private tutor three days a week here)
  • Gain new inspiration, create fresh content and experiences for our Cultured Life magazine (I’ll be attending the Monaco (Super) Yacht Show among other events in September)
  • Scout out new locations and experiences for our VIP Global Brand Destination Intensives

It sounds like a lot but I’ve been doing it all in a pace that feels like ease.

Being able to travel to Europe after a year and half and work from some of the most beautiful locations in the South of France, has been an incredible experience.


I remember 12 years ago, I was just planning to leave my full time job. It was scary decision. I had no idea what lay ahead. But I knew the most scary thing in the world was the unlived life. The what ifs.

Our greatest transformations occur when we leap and today, I am grateful for that decision. If you have a dream and passion, you should courageously go for it.

My intention is to help millions of women create their version of the Cultured Life with a world-class brand. To design the life you desire and to have the courage to step into it.

What you are dreaming of and that next level you desire is available for you. But you must decide that you are worthy of it. No one or nothing can do that for you. My journey has taught me to trust my desires and my inner voice and to LEAP often.